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Bid & Tender Services

I bring a wealth of expertise to the table, having dedicated 5 years of my career to developing and writing winning tenders.
I understand the intricacies of tendering and how demanding submission deliverables can often be.


I have experience managing the tender process, writing tender responses & working with estimating teams to ensure a cohesive bid strategy. I have experience tendering small value projects up to multi million dollar projects, across all levels of government and within the private sector.

Bid Management

Comprehensive bid management of non-price related tender deliverables. I manage the entire RTF / EOI process. 

Delivering a polished and professional tender document for submission. 

A great solution for teams who are at capacity or to cover staff holidays and leave.

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Tender template

Clarification templates

Your preferred software

Template use training

Tender Templates

I create custom tender templates for your team that seamlessly integrate with your current systems. 

I assess your current processes, speak with the teams who will be using the completed templates and develop a template solution that works for your team. 

cApability statements

Capability statements developed to highlight your key strengths and capabilities, setting you apart from the competition. 

Sector relevant statements or more bespoke capability statements I work with you to ensure I understand and can convey your point of difference.

All Done Cap Stats

A cover to cover capability statement to showcase what your company has to offer. I work with you to develop a digital, ready to send capability statement and print ready files for the occasions that a physical copy is required. 

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